This image shows the fins of several gray whales above the surface of the water
Surface active gray whales

Recent Sightings


    Observations at Saunders Reef in the morning:

    * 4 foraging humpbacks

    Observations from the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula:

    * 4 foraging humpbacks

    * 29 harbor seals

    * 1 red-tailed hawk

    * 1 American kestrel

    * 4 Black Oyster Catchers


    Observations from Saunders Reef in the afternoon:

    * 6 foraging humpbacks

    * 1 red-tailed hawk


    Ship strike likely killed beached young fin whale
    A juvenile female fin whale, measuring 40 feet in length, had washed up on 10 Mile Beach north of Fort Bragg. Veterinarian Pádraig Duignan, director of pathology at the Marine Mammal Center,  said that the preliminary cause of her death is ship-strike blunt force trauma. The whale was in excellent body condition and had no evidence of preexisting illness

    Observations from Saunders Reef:

     * 4-6 humpbacks; 1 traveling south; the others foraging in the area

  • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2024

    We were notified today that a female fin whale has washed ashore on Ten Mile beach in MacKerricher State Park.  A necropsy will be performed to hopefully determine the cause of death and to gather as much information as possible about this whale. Only a blue whale is larger than a fin whale.


    The Center for Whale research is  happy to announce a new calf in L pod of the Southern residents orcas!!

    L90 and new calf L128: Mom looks physically robust, and the calf is nursing and moving normally.


    Observations from the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula:

     * no whales seen

     * 66 harbor seals

     * 1 Great Blue Heron

     * 1 Great Egret

     * 2 American kestrels

      No whales seen at Saunders Reef


    Observations at the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula:

    * no whales seen

    * 79 harbor seals

    * 2 ospreys

    * 2 American kestrels

    No whales seen at Saunders Reef


    Observations from the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula:

     * no whales seen

    * 59 harbor seals

    * 1 osprey

     * 1 black oyster catcher

     * 1 American kestrel

    Observations from Saunders Reef:

    * no whales seen