This image shows the fins of several gray whales above the surface of the water

Recent Sightings

  • TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2025

    A marine layer persisted throughout the day reducing visibility to less than two miles. The ocean was calm.

    At the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula, we observed:

    * 6 northbound grays – one group of two and four singles

    * 32 harbor seals

    * 3 meadowlarks

    * about 30 brown pelicans flying north; 1 flying south

    * 2 flocks of cackling geese; one of about 200 and one of 80

    * 1 gopher


    * 1 northbound gray whale


    TOTAL GRAY WHALES SEEN TO DATE (since November 1, 2024) =

    🔆🔆 229 northbound – includes 1 mother/calf

    🔆🔆 391 southbound

  • MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025

    Observations from the Point Arena Lighthouse peninsula:

    * 18 northbound gray whales – one group of three, three groups of two, nine singles,
    many backs and flukes were visible; one whale breached 7-8 times

    * 1 gray whale foraging

    * 62 harbor seals

    * 1 river otter

    * 2 black oystercatchers

    * 2 Canada geese

    * 6 flocks of cackling geese flying north ranging in size from 80 geese to over 600 geese

    * 2 American kestrels

    * 26 brown pelicans flying north


    * 3 northbound gray whales


    TOTAL GRAY WHALES SEEN TO DATE (since November 1, 2024) =

    🔆🔆 222 northbound – includes 1 mother/calf

    🔆🔆 391 southbound

  • SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2025

    Observations today were made from the Noyo Center for Marine Science Crow’s Nest in Fort Bragg as part of their annual Whale Festival. It was a sunny day with good visibility.
    We had the pleasure of meeting lots of people who were truly interested in learning about whales and other marine life. Professor Brianna Zuber from Mendocino College brought her marine biology class to speak with us and her students were engaged, motivated, and asked many great questions. We thank the two wonderful Noyo Center volunteers at the Crow’s Nest, Jessie and Peggy, who hosted us during this event as well as volunteer docent, Erica, who led a group of people of all ages on an educational whale watch walk.

    We observed:

    * 7 northbound grays – two groups of two and 3 singles


    TOTAL GRAY WHALES SEEN TO DATE (as of November 1, 2024) =

    🔆🔆 201 northbound – includes 1 mother/calf

    🔆🔆 391 southbound


    * 2 flocks of cackling geese flying north, one of about 500 and one consisting of about 300

  • SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2025

    Observations today were from the Gualala Point Regional Park. Although clouds and a bit of fog reduced visibility in the morning, conditions improved throughout the day allowing us to have a very successful Whale and Seabird Watch program. Our wonderful Sonoma County Park Ranger, Jeannette, counted 75 participants. We thank Roberta Chan, park visitor center coordinator, for organizing this program.

    We observed:

    * 17 northbound gray whales – three sets of two and eleven singles


    TOTAL GRAY WHALES SEEN TO DATE (since November 1, 2024) =

    🔆🔆 194 northbound – includes 1 mother/calf

    🔆🔆 391 southbound


    Led by migratory bird specialist Doug Forsell, the seabirds spotted included:

    * Brandt’s cormorants, Pelagic cormorants, double-crested cormorants

    * common loons, Pacific loons

    * red-eared grebes

    * pigeon guillemot

    * 75 cackling geese flying north

    * common murres


    On Saturday, March 22, we will be joined by Shari Goforth and Doug Forsell, migratory bird specialist, for a whale and seabird watch at the Gualala Point Regional Park from 10:00-2:00. Follow the trail from the Visitor Center down to the whale watch point area that overlooks Gualala Island.

    On Sunday, March 23rd, we will be at the Noyo Center for Maine Science Crow’s Nest Interpretive Center in Fort Bragg for whale observing from 10:00-2:00. Shari Goforth will be joining us for this fun event as well!