MAY 29, 2024



  • No whales seen today
  • 41 harbor seals
  • two adult ravens tending to four growing and hungry chicks which seem just about ready to fledge from their nest
  • one adult bald eagle, quickly and efficiently escorted out of the area by the two adult ravens
  • one great blue heron
  • 8 pelicans flying north
  • 1 charismatic raccoon
  • still extremely windy, blowing northwest at  28-35 mph with 9-10 foot seas






Although these strong  winds greatly reduce our visibility for spotting whales and their blows, it does serve a valuable purpose in the ocean.  According to NOAA Fisheries:

Upwelling can occur year-round off the northern and central California coast. The winds transport surface waters (upper 15 m) offshore, which are replaced by the upwelling of deep (100-125 m), cold (8°C), and nutrient-rich waters from the shelf break region. 

The upwelled water fuels high phytoplankton production and subsequent high biomass of copepods, euphausiids, and other zooplankton during the summer. 

illustration of upwelling water on a coastline, with warmer surface water moving offshore and deeper, colder, nutrient-rich water rising up from beneath the surface to replace the water that was pushed away.


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